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Hello and Welcome!
I hope my page on will give you an idea of what I'm doing.
Ski Trip Video

I had a great ski trip, Check out the Video Clip (MOVIE) Only Do this if you have HIGH SPEED Internet (22 Mb File)

Vineyard Mountian Gazette
I have stoped doing the Vineyard Mountain Gazette because it is to hard to do with school but if want to you can still cheak out this summers aditions


I'm doing Parks and Rec Volleyball.My teams is undefeated and the seasons is almost over, soon I will be playing basketball.A will add my team picture when I get it.
Middle School
This year I started going to Cheldlin Middle School I was a bit stressful a first but now I used to it. I are now in our secong quarter.
School Food
You would be apalled at what our and other schools feed there students. We have a vending, two pop, and one Gatorade michene, they also sell cappichinos, donuts andany every kind of candy you can think of. The food the sell isn't heathy, burgers, pizza, ext. Dose This sound like a haethy diet to you?

The End, The End, The End, The End, The End, The End, The End, The End, The End, The End, The End, The End.

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